‘On Sunday the 9th of March last year, my husband and I sadly lost our baby boy at 25 and a half weeks. I had severe pre-eclampsia andhehadIUGR. Heweighedonly 430 grams and sadly didn’t make it. We named him Baby Brown and sometimes refer to him as BB.

Needless to say we were absolutely heart broken and on top of that seriously worried about my health. The care we received from Silver Star was absolutely amazing; we stayed together in the family room for just over 2 weeks and were guided through the hardest time of our lives by the most incredible team of people.

One year on and at 26 weeks we were hit again with the news I had pre- eclampsia and our baby had IUGR. It was all too familiar. I was moved on to Level 6, given steroid injections and monitored daily once again, as was our baby girl. Finally on the 24th March after hours of monitoring and daily scans, at 27 weeks and 5 days it was time for her to come out.

We were taken for an emergency c- section and a few hours after the decision had been made Isabella Rose Brown arrived! Weighing 1lb 9oz! We couldn’t believe our baby was safely here.

Isabella is now staying in SCBU until she is ready to come home with us. She is doing really well; she is tiny but perfect. We will never ever forget the care we received on Level 6.

We are so proud to have had both our Silver Star babies and know that physically and mentally we couldn’t have got through it without the care and support of everyone involved. With thanks always.

matt Lloyd